Friday, 6 July 2012

Counting days until we're going to malaysia

Just 21 more days until I'm going back to malaysia just for summer holidays. My mom told me that when we first got there, we are going to my mom's sister's house so... I'm going to sleep then after play with Kenzo(the cat) and the exciting part is when we're going to Haslam to eat!! The next day... I want to go to KLCC to eat at the place where's there food, then I want to go to KIDS ZANIA and I also want to go there 2 times cause I really want to have all the information about it because my friends has talk about it alot of times and that would be Rina, Ray, Ririko, Mao...(all my japanese friends). There is more things I want to do over my Summer holidays, and I just can't wait!

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Sad to say goodbye

Gosh!... it's so hard to  say goodbye to my friends and my teacher! I was hoping to see her again in the future :) and also my friend sharifah is leaving forever! I don't want to leave my teacher because she teach good things and make things kind of easy. Sharifah my friend is the first one who i met in Gr.2 but we are not together anymore but i still have her facebook. I still wish that I could still stay at school and no summer holidays! but that is 50% for each (no school/yes school). I have a year book that keep my friends in mind.  It's just sad!

sharifah and I... i am gonna miss you!